How to Convert wCAX into HTML File?

wCAX files can be converted into HTML files using the application WCAX2HTML.exe in batch mode.

The application is available in “VCollab Installation Directory / VCollabPro64”.


Drive:/> WCAX2HTML.exe <input wCAX file path> [output html file path]

Example: C:Program FilesVCollabVCollabPro64WCAX2HTML.exe” <wcaxfile> [htmlfile]

Note: If output path is not provided, HTML file will be created in the same directory where input wCAX is available with the same name.

Steps to convert wCAX file into HTML file

Command Line:

  • Go to the command prompt.

  • Provide WCAX2HTML.exe with path

  • Provide wCAX file path as first mandatory argument

  • Provide output HTML file path(optional) as second argument.

  • Hit Enter

The HTML file is created in the given output file directory.

Drag and Drop:

  • Select the wCAX file.

  • Drag and drop the file onto “C:Program FilesVCollabVCollabPro64WCAX2HTML.exe”

  • HTML file will be created in the directory, where the input wCAX file is available.

How to visualize HTML files?

  • Users can visualize the content in any web browser by double clicking the HTML file.

  • To visualize the content interactively users need to visualize the file in a stand alone wCAX Viewer.