ViewPoint List

The View point List is a tab found under Product Explorer. VCollab Presenter allows users to view as well as animate viewpoint states. Users can export and import VPT files that consist of all viewpoints for a specified viewpath.

View point state: This is a user defined viewpoint state to which more information can be added.

Users can store view points with view paths and retrieve them to view. They can also animate a path that contains a set of user view points.

Context Menu

Right Clicking in the Viewpoint list opens the context menu as shown below


The various fields and options available in the Viewpoint List context menu are explained below.

Add ViewPoint

Adds a view point to current view path

Rename Viewpoint

Provides new name to the current view point

Insert ViewPoint

Inserts a view point before current view point

Delete ViewPoint

Deletes the view point selected

Update ViewPoint

Allows user to edit and update an existing viewpoint

Capture Camera

Adds current view to viewpoint without any states.

Animate Path

Animate the current view path


Stops animating view path

Slide Show

Switches viewpoint animation into slide show mode.

Apply State

Applies or Skips CAE states during viewpoint animation.

Apply View

Skips applying view/orientation if this flag is unchecked. Flag is checked by default.

Loop Animation

Enables to play animation continuously.

Add ViewPath

Adds new path to the list

Rename Path

Provides new name for the current path

Delete path

Deletes current view path.

Generate Path

Generates view path with various viewpoints for model presentations.

Presentation 1 - Except focused part or group of parts, all others are in semi transparent mode.

Presentation 2 - Except focused part or group of parts, all others are in hidden mode.

CAE Results Viewpoints - Viewpoints for all CAE results and its components.

CAE Viewpoints Settings - Customized Viewpath generation

Import ViewPoints…

Imports viewpoints from external vpt or cax file.

Export Viewpoints…

Exports viewpoints into vpt file or ppt file..

Export Image As

Exports all viewpoint states into bmp, tiff, jpeg and png file formats


This is applicable only if the selected viewpoint contains CAE probed labels. In the selected viewpoint, labels of parts that are not visible in the current view are hidden. The hidden labels can be used to create a new viewpoint which can be named by the user.

  • This option is to interactively modify/split a viewpoint in such a way that multiple viewpoints can be created with visible hotspots.

  • User selects a viewpoint. Then changes the view by using rotate / zoom / section options such that a set of hotspot labels are visible.

  • Then the user selects the Add Visible Label ViewPoint option. A new viewpoint with only visible hotspots in this modified view will be created. The remaining hotspots will remain in the original viewpoint.

  • By repeating these steps users can create multiple viewpoints without missing any hotspot.

Edit Mode

Selecting a viewpoint clears current view information. Accidental selection of viewpoints may result in loss of current scene information. The Edit Mode option prompts users before applying the new viewpoint to the scene.

Auto Backup

This option helps users to have a back up of viewpoints during creating or updating viewpoints. If a user forgets to save viewpoints into CAX, he can retrieve the viewpoints created using this option. A VPT file with CAX file name will be created and updated. File will be available in %VCOLLAB_TEMP%\VCollab.

A viewpoint state may contain

  • Notes

  • Annotation

  • Display mode

  • Probed CAE result labels

  • Pick and move part state

  • Exploded view

  • Measurements

  • Cut section

  • CAE result information.

  • Merged dataset view.

  • XY Plot

  • Vector Plot

  • etc.


  • Users can create a CAE report with viewpoints.

  • Users can add and delete viewpoint states.

  • Animate path or a walk through model helps user to get more knowledge on model


Default view path with default viewpoints are,

  • Standard Views

    • All standard views front, back, left, right, top, bottom and isometric views are generated by default.

    • Users can add, and update viewpoints using the Capture Camera option in the context menu.

    • Only the viewing position and orientation is saved, not other states.

    • These viewpoints can be saved through profile. And it can not be saved in the CAX file.


Steps to add viewpoint

  • Right click in the Viewer Window, to open the Viewer Context menu

  • Click Product Exploreror click image2

  • Click the Viewpoint List tab.

  • Right click to open the context menu

  • Select Add View point option

  • Provide a name for the view path if no view path exists.


  • The Add View Point dialog opens up now.


  • Enter a name for viewpoint.

  • Click OK to add current view as a viewpoint state to the list.

  • Check Apply State to store all state variables (labels, display mode, section, etc.). By default only the current viewpoint will be stored.

  • Viewpoint name is now displayed in the list.


  • Repeat the process to add more view points.

Steps to animate view point states

  • Select a path from the path list if path exists.

  • Right click and select Animate Path in the drop down context menu.


  • Click the Play button available at the bottom of the viewpoints panel.

  • Animation starts from the first view point state and ends with the last viewpoint state.

  • Click Loop Animation to play animation continuously.

  • Right click and click Stop to stop the animation.

Steps to export all viewpoint states as images into PowerPoint

  • Open the Viewpoints context menu.

  • Click Export Viewpoints

  • A Save file dialog opens up.Select file type as *.ppt.

  • Enter a filename .

  • Click Save

  • Another dialog opens which asks for a template.

  • Click Yes to provide a template.

  • Click No to continue without template.

  • Now all the viewpoint states are inserted as images into PowerPoint.

  • First slide is left empty of the presentation if the template is provided.


  • If a viewpoint contains CAE Animation state, animation will not be captured but first frame image will be captured in the ppt file.

Steps to export and import viewpoints

To Export viewpoints

  • Select Export Viewpoints from the Viewpoints context menu.

  • A Save file dialog opens up

  • Select file type as .vpt to store viewpoints.

  • Click Save.

To Import viewpoints

  • Click Import Viewpoints from the context menu.

  • A Save file dialog opens up.

  • Select any .cax or .vpt file to import view points.

  • Click Open and notice that view paths are imported.