Profile Settings

Using the Profile Settings option, users can set, export and import current configurations. They can also store and retrieve specific features.


The various options available under Profile Settings sub menu are explained below


Opens the Profile Load Settings’ dialog and is used to select features to be applied while loading. through the .

Save Profile

Opens the Profile Save Settings dialog and is used to save settings into a profile.

Export Profile

Saves and exports current configuration into a profile file. This file can later be imported into some other session or computer.

Import Profile

Imports and loads a profile from an external profile file.


Shows/Hides toolbar

Status bar

Shows /Hides application status bar.

Profile files location

Profile path will be displayed in More | About…| VCollab Control dialog for user convenience.


Profile Features



Fields Profiled


Fields Profiled


Background Mode, Background, Colors

Background Texture Path, Background Texture Mode

CAE Result

Result Name

Instance Name

Derived Type Name

Mouse Mode

Mouse Click

Mouse Double Click

Mouse Shift + Click

Mouse Ctrl + Click

Mouse Shift + Ctrl + Clicks

CAE Display

Color Plot


Deform Mesh

Undeformed Mesh

Min and Max

Contour Lines


Animate Zoom

PPT Auto

PPT Origin

PPT Size

Use Plain Background In PPT

Probe On MouseMove

Start On CAE Animation Control Launch

Update Normal On Animation

CAE Legend

Reverse Legend




Legend Colors

No Result Color

Display of Frame Info

Legend Placement

Contour Line User Color

Contour Line Mode


Origin Show

Origin Percentage

Move Model As Mode

Detail Cull Percentage

Line Thickness

Perspective Mode

Coordinate System




View Point GUI

Geometry Line Size

Geometry Point Size

CAE Label

Auto Arrange Labels

Arrange Label Mode

Label Font Name

Label Background Color

Label Text Color

Label Border Color

Label Background

Label Border

Label Font Size

Label Size

Label Line Color

Label Line Width

Keep Previous Probe

Auto Update

Label Info

ID Display


Merge Position

Apply Current Settings

Merge Custom Translation

Merge Custom Rotation

Merge Custom Scale

Show Data Set Labels

Combined Palette

Multi Palette

Hide Other Dataset

CAE Vector Plot

Vector Plot Arrow Size

Vector Plot Arrow Style

Vector Plot Deform

Vector Plot Detach Geometry

Vector Plot User Color Mode Vector Plot User Vector Colors

Vector Plot Node Position As

Vector Direction

Vector Plot Auto Scale

Vector Plot Scale Factor

Feature Edges

Show Feature Edges

Detach Geometry and Edges

Feature Edge Color

Feature Edge Size

CAE Hotspot

Hotspots Count

Visible Surface

Keep Previous Label

Hotspot Zones

Top & Bottom hotspots Border Colors

Mark Min Max

Probe Type


Hotspot Viewpoints All Std. Views

Hotspot Viewpoints Hotspot Per Page

Hotspot Viewpoints Part Regions

Hotspot Compare

Hotspot Compare Mode

Hotspot Show All Connections

Hotspot Compare With

Hotspot All Model Reference


Switch On/Off flags

Light Intensity

Relative to Camera flags


Viewpoints Vs Profile Settings

Some profile settings are saved in application session profile as well as in CAX file as viewpoints. In that case, viewpoint settings are preferred to profile settings.

Steps to Save Profile Settings in Viewpoints

  1. Load a CAX file in VCollab Pro.

  2. Create a viewpoint with Vector Plot OFF.

  3. Switch ON the Vector Plot.

  4. Enable profile option using Edit | Profile Settings | Profile.

  5. Close the application.

  6. Now Vector Plot - OFF - is stored in the CAX file as a viewpoint.

  7. Vector plot - ON is stored in Application Profile settings.

  8. Open VCollab Pro again.

  9. Load the saved CAX file.

  10. Pro loads the CAX file with the user defined viewpoint.

  11. Even though vector plot is ON in profile settings, vector plot is OFF because of user defined viewpoint.

If the user profile directory is of Unicode characters, profile settings cannot be saved. This can be avoided by setting environment variable VCOLLAB_PROFILE_PATH with ascii character path.

Warning message pops up if the path is of Unicode characters as shown below.


Steps to set and revoke session profiles

  • Click Edit | Profile Settings | Profile to open Profile Load Settings panel


  • Check and uncheck the required options.

  • Click OK.

  • Click Edit | Profile Settings | Save Profile to open Profile Save Settings dialog.


  • Select the options as required.

  • Click Save to save the settings.

  • As per profile load settings, the model will be loaded.

  • Click Edit | Profile Settings | Apply Profile to retrieve saved profile settings.

Steps to export and import profile settings files

  • Click Edit | Profile Settings | Export Profile to openProfile Export Settings dialog.


  • Select the features and click Export.

  • A file browser dialog opens.


  • Select the file type either as .ini or .json.

  • To import, click Export | Profile Settings | Import Profile to open Profile Import Settings dialog.


  • Select the features as required.

  • Click Import.

  • Select the profile file using the file browser button.

  • Settings from imported file are applied.