Hardware Requirement Guidelines for VCollab


Win 64 BIT or LINUX 64 BIT

  • 16 GB RAM ( Greater RAM is preferred)

  • A graphic accelerator card with a minimum of 2GB VRAM

  • Graphic drivers that support OpenGL 1.2 and above

  • A browser supporting WebGL 1.0 in case of WEB Viewing (64 BIT Browsers are recommended)


Win 64 BIT or LINUX 64 BIT

  • 16 GB RAM ( Higher RAM would help with better performance )

  • A graphic accelerator card with a minimum of 2GB VRAM

  • Graphic drivers that support OpenGL 1.2 and above

  • A browser supporting WebGL 1.0 in case of WEB Viewing (64 BIT Browsers are recommended)


Win 64 BIT or LINUX 64 BIT

  • 64 GB RAM (Greater RAM is preferred )

  • A graphic accelerator card with a minimum of 2GB VRAM

  • Graphic drivers that support OpenGL 1.2 and above

  • A browser supporting WebGL 1.0 in case of WEB Viewing (64 BIT Browsers are recommended)

Notes on VMoveCAE

VMoveCAE can run on the following hardware and software platforms.

  • Windows Desktops/Laptops

  • LINUX Desktops or LINUX Clusters.

VMoveCAE can be invoked and executed on the configuration mentioned above. However, such configuration is grossly inadequate to work with large CAE solution files. The primary functionality of VMoveCAE is to read large CAE solution files, and process and create CAX files from them. The size and complexity of the CAE solution files that the user is dealing with, determine the hardware requirements for VMoveCAE.

VMoveCAE is primarily an I/O and memory-intensive application. The most important factor in getting faster translations is the I/O performance. It needs to read data from large CAE files, process the data, compress it, and export the compressed data into a CAX file. The systems with older I/O devices tend to result in slower VMoveCAE execution. Similarly, when the input CAE file or the output CAX file are located on a file system or a mapped drive and not on a local disk, the performance degrades considerably.

The system RAM is the second key factor in VMoveCAE performance. It plays a much bigger role in determining the size of the CAE solution files that VMoveCAE can read and process. We generally recommend users to have systems with memory configurations similar to the systems that are used by the solvers to generate their CAE files. The thumb rule that we recommend is to have about 2 GB of RAM per million elements/nodes of the CAE files.

This approach is similar to the way standard FEA/CFD software determine the memory requirements. The FEA and CFD problems are classified into multiple categories such as Vibration problems, Crash solutions, Turbulent flow solutions, etc and RAM requirement is specified per GB per million elements/nodes for each category. A few references on how the RAM requirements are determined by some standard FEA/CFD software are provided below for users’ reference:

  • “The most general guideline for ANSYS solver memory is 1 GB per million degrees of freedom.” - for Ansys.

  • “2 GB/core for jobs with less than 2.5 million degrees of freedom (DOF) on two nodes, 2.5 million DOF to five million DOF on four nodes, or greater than five million DOF on eight nodes” - for Abaqus from Abaqus/Standard Nonlinear/dynamics.

  • “In-core Memory – 10 GB RAM per million DOFs, Out of core Memory – 1 GB RAM per million DOFs and 10 GB of free disk” - for LS-Dyna from Implicit: Memory notes.

Since VMoveCAE doesn’t exploit multiple cores of the system, any system with a core working on a single VMoveCAE process would do the job.

Notes on VCollab Viewers

VCollab Viewers are advised to be run on the desktop workstations where the CAE analysts are performing the CAE post-processing. Those machines that are configured to run CAE post processors would work well for VCollab Viewers.

Note that better and high-performance Graphics Cards than those suggested below would certainly help improve the VCollab Viewer performance. In general, high-performance graphics cards works well with VCollab Viewers.