Quick Reference

What is CAX file?

CAX file is a native proprietary file format of VCollab. CAX files can be generated using VMoveCAE or VMoveCAD or VRML2CAX or CAX Writer API.

How to generate a CAX file from Native CAD/CAE softwares?

VMoveCAE, a product from VCollab, converts CAE result files from many native FEA and CFD codes into CAX files. Read VMoveCAE user guide to know more about the FEA/CFD codes that are supported.

Similarly, VMoveCAD, a product from VCollab, converts CAD models/geometries from many popular native CAD formats into CAX files. Refer to the VMoveCAD user guide to learn more about the native CAD formats that are supported.

How to Open a CAX file?

  • Click File menu and choose the menu item Open or click image0 in the toolbar.

  • An open file browser dialog is displayed.

  • Select the file to be opened and click open button.

  • The selected file will be loaded in the viewer window.

How to use Product Explorer?

  • Product Explorer Window will be displayed in the left span of main window by default.

  • If not, click the Edit menu and select menu item Product Explorer or click image1 in the toolbar

  • This displays the product explorer window, which shows the list/hierarchy of parts of the model/simulation.

How to load CAE Results?

  • Choose CAE menu.

  • Select Result List. or click image2 in the toolbar.

  • Select a result from popped up CAE result dialog box.

  • Select an instance from ‘Instance’ drop down list, if needed.

  • Select a derived type from ‘Derived Type’ drop down.

  • Notice that selected CAE results are applied on the CAE model in the viewer.

How to activate CAE Animation?

  • Click CAE menu.

  • Click Animate or click image3 in toolbar.

  • Use popped up dialog to manage animation.

How to set CAE Animation mode?

  • Click CAE menu.

  • Click Animation settings.

  • Choose animation mode from the Animation type drop down list.

How to look at Standard Views?

  • Click on the Display menu and select Standard Views option.

  • The various sub options listed are Top View, Bottom View, Right View, Left View, Front View, Back View and Isometric Cabinet.

  • Click a standard view and notice the change in the viewer.

How to create a Viewpoint Animation?

  • Create View points using Edit | ViewPoints

  • Create a path with these view points.

  • Click right mouse button in view points panel.

  • Click Animate Path in the drop down context menu.

How to Show/Hide parts?

  • Select the Edit menu and choose the Product Explorer option.

  • Uncheck the desired part in the product tree to hide.

  • Alternately, one can double click on a part in the viewer window with left mouse button.

  • That would select a part as well as open the Viewer->Context menu.

  • Then select Hide option.

How to resize Product Explorer?

  • By default, Product explorer is docked in the main Window.

  • Double click on top layer to detach it from main window.

  • User can resize now.

  • Double click on top layer to dock into main window again.

How to change CAE legend colors?

  • Click CAE menu and Click Legend/Hotspot Settings or click image4 in toolbar.

  • Click ‘Edit Legend’ Tab.

  • Select Number of colors in the drop down list under palette to change number of colors.

  • Click a specific color in the palette to change individual color.

  • Select a color or define a custom color in the popped up color picker dialog.

  • Click ‘Apply’ to apply the changes in the viewer.

How to change CAE Result range?

  • Click CAE menu and Click Legend/Hotspot Settings or click image5 in toolbar.

  • Click ‘Update Legend’ Tab.

  • Click both the check boxes provided for Min and Max.

  • Enter new range.

  • Click ‘Update Current Instance’ to apply the change in current frame alone.

  • Click ‘Update All Instances’ to apply the change to all frames.

How to find distance between two points in the model?

  • Click Tools menu and click Measurement | 3DDistance option or click image6 in toolbar.

  • Click a start point on model.

  • Click an end point on the model.

  • The distance value is displayed in the annotated label.

How to pick and move a part?

  • Select a part or group of parts

  • Click Tools menu and click Pick


  • Click image7 in toolbar.

  • Drag with right mouse button to move the part.

  • Select Pick option again to drop the part

How to set exploded view?

  • Click Tools menu and click Explode or click image8 in toolbar.

  • Click ‘Explode’ button in the popped up dialog to set exploded view.

  • Click ‘Animate’ check box to enable animation while exploding model.

How to probe CAE Result?

  • Click CAE menu and click Probe or click image9 in toolbar.

  • Click on a node / element to probe the result.

  • “Probe+Shift+Click” probes the whole transient result history as a table.

  • “Probe+Ctrl+Click” on a node creates the XYplot label.

How to move labels?

  • Click Tools menu, click Labels/Notes and Select Move Labels


  • click image10 in toolbar.

  • Click on a label and move the mouse pointer to the new position.

  • Click on the new position.

How to create movie files from set of external images?

  • Click File menu and click Export.

  • Select Make Movie option.

  • Provide input folder path which contains all images.

  • Provide output file path name.

  • Change frame rate if necessary.

  • Click Create.

  • Movie is created and confirmed with a message “Successfully Captured”.

How to get better performance in rendering? Or How to increase frame rate while interacting with model?

  • Click Display menu and click Move Model As.

  • Select any one performance option.

  • Observe that frame rate is increased while interacting with model.

How to measure an arc or circle in the model?

  • Click Tools menu.

  • To measure an arc, click Measurement | 3Point Arc.

  • Click start point of arc.

  • Click any point on the curve between start and end of arc.

  • Click end point of arc.

  • An arc is drawn through these three points with center.

  • Further an annotated label is display with arc information.

  • To measure a circle, click Measurement | 3 Point Circle.

  • Click any three points on circular curve.

  • A circle is drawn with center and an annotated label with circle information is displayed.

How to view cross section of model?

  • Click Tools menu and click Section option.

  • Define a plane using the popped up section manager dialog.

  • Click show planes to view the section plane.

  • Use control sliders to translate and rotate the section planes.

  • Click Section Plane Location button to know the plane intercepts with the coordinate axes.

  • Please note that these cross sections are created for visualization purpose

How to merge more than one model into scene?

  • Click File menu.

  • Notice that ‘Merge’ option is disabled.

  • Load a model using File | Open.

  • Click File | Merge.

  • Select a model to be merged.

  • Click ‘OK’ to merge.

How to enable vector plot?

How to view CAE XYPlot?

  • Click CAE menu.

  • Select Display | XYPlot

  • CAE settings dialog will be popped up with XYPlot tab.

  • Click X axis radio

  • Select an attribute in the data type combo.

  • Click Y axis radio.

  • Select a result in the data type combo.

  • Select a derived part in the derived type combo.

  • Ensure Probe option is enabled.

  • Click on the node or element of interest.

  • The curve will be plotted in the viewer.