Export Probe Labels

VCollab Pro users can export labels data into CSV (comma separated values) file using Export Probe Labels option.

The following values are exported with a header row.

  1. Model Name

  2. Part Name

  3. Node ID

  4. Element ID

  5. Position Coordinates (x, y, z)

  6. Instance Name

  7. CAE result name

  8. Derived result name and

  9. Result value



beam,1,248,396,80,9,10,L1M1,Displacement:Translational Magnitude,8.57873

beam,1,364,282,28,12,5,L1M1,Displacement:Translational Magnitude,1.40889

beam,1,182,379,16,12,10,L1M1,Displacement:Translational Magnitude,0.546442

Steps to Export Probe Labels

  1. Load a CAX file

  2. Find hotspots or probe the results manually

  3. Click CAE | Export Probe Labels


  1. A file save dialog box opens. Enter a filename for the CSV file.

  2. Click Save.