Current Result Operations

The Current Result Operations is a set of operations that can be applied to the current CAE result.


Set As Deform Result

By default, Displacement vector is the deformation result. However, users can change the default selection by using Set as Deform Result. This option is applicable to any vector type result.

To visualize the deform result users can go to CAE | Display | Deform Mesh

However, for the following results, the user defined deform result will be over ridden to the default.

  • Displacement

  • Displacement - Vibration Mode

  • Deformation

Apply Distinct Range: This operation sets current result legend into a distinct range. i.e., one contour color is mapped to one result value.

Delete Result: This operation prompts for confirmation and then deletes the current selection of result.

Delete Instances: This operation deletes a set of instances either from all results or the selected result.


This interface is also available in CAE Result List dialog