Part List

This command helps users to change individual part properties. Part List panel can be accessed from the left span of VCollab Pro.

Part List Panel


The controls available in the part list panel are as follows:

Select All / Deselect All

Selects or deselects all parts.

List box

Lists all part names.


Toggles visibility to selected parts in the list


Selects and highlights parts in the viewer

Display Mode

Allows user to select and apply a display mode to the parts selected.


Links to Edit | Find. Allows users to search parts by name.


Deletes parts that are highlighted/selected in the viewer.

Hide Others

Hides all parts except the parts highlighted in the viewer

Part Color

Links to Edit | Part Color. Allows users to edit part color material.

Update MinMax

Displays the min and max values for selected parts in the list

Color Plot

Applies or removes contour color for the selected parts in the list

Undeformed Mesh

Shows / Hides undeformed mesh for the selected parts in the list

Steps to set visibility for a part(s)

  • Click Edit|Part List.

  • Select a part or some parts.

  • Check /uncheck Visible to show/hide the parts selected.


Steps to highlight or select a part(s) of the model

  • Open Part List panel.

  • Select one or more parts

  • Check Highlight to highlight the parts selected.


Steps to set display mode for part(s)

  • Open Part List panel.

  • Select one or more parts

  • Select any display mode (Wireframe in the below example) from the drop down list to be applied to the parts selected.


Steps to view undeformed mesh of a part(s)

  • Open Part List panel.

  • Select some parts on the model

  • Click Undeformed Mesh checkbox to display undeformed mesh.


Steps to access and modify part level properties in the viewer

  • Double click on a part in the viewer to open the context menu


The following operations can be carried out for the selected parts

  • Hide the part

  • Hide all parts except this one.

  • Focus on the part.

  • Delete the part.

  • Delete all parts except this one.

  • Show all parts

  • Show the parts which are hidden

  • Deselect all parts

  • Show / Hide color plot.