Mouse Mode

The Mouse Mode command allows users to customize mouse buttons for motion models. Following are the default buttons, assigned for important functions.

Left Mouse Click & Drag


Middle Mouse Click & Drag

Zoom in or out

Right Mouse Click & Drag


Left Mouse Double Click

Highlight a part

Right Mouse Click

Drop down menu

Mouse Customization Panel


Reverse Mouse Wheel Zoom - User can customize the zooming direction for forward as well as backward scroll.

How to customize mouse buttons with different interactive motion model functions?

  • Click Edit | MouseMode to open the Mouse Customization dialog box as shown below.

  • Click the drop down box provided for Left Single Click, it will display all possible functions.

  • Select Pan function.


  • Click the drop down list provided for Right Single Click, it will displays all possible functions.


  • Select Rotate. Now both the Rotation and Pan functions are interchanged for the mouse buttons.


  • Click Apply to enable these changes in viewer motion model.