Find Part

This option helps user to select the part or group of parts by name.

Shortcut key : Ctrl + F

Find Parts Panel


Select Model

User can select a Model and find the parts

Find What

User can enter a part name to select the particular part or partial text to select group of parts.


Finds part names according to search options.

Found Parts

Lists the parts found and allows user to select.

Select All

Selects all parts in the list

Deselect All

Deselects all parts in the list

Invert Selection

Inverts the selection in the list.


Clears the list.

Action on Selected Parts

Allows user to select an action to be applied on the part selection in the viewer.


Closes the dialog.

How to find and select the parts by name?

  • Load a cax file.

  • Click Edit | Find Part… option

  • It pops up the find part panel.


  • Enter a hint for part names in find text box. for better accuracy.

  • Clikcing Find button, lists all the part names found.

  • User can further filter on the list by manual selection or deselection.

  • Select an action in the drop down to be applied only for selected parts.

  • Click Apply.