Display Mode

Display mode allows users to view the model in any one of the following modes.

  • Shaded (default)

  • Shaded Mesh

  • Wire Frame

  • Hidden Line

  • Point

  • Transparent

Shaded Mode

Model surfaces will be displayed with smooth shadings and contour color information.

Shortcut key: Shift + S


Shaded Mesh

Applies mesh on the shaded model. Shaded mesh color can be changed by using Display | Display Mode | Shaded Mesh Color options.

Users can set vertex color to the shaded mesh lines or set a single color. Shortcut key : Shift + M



Wire Frame Model

Displays the model with mesh lines without any shading. Shortcut key : Shift + W


Hidden Line

This is similar to wire frame model except that hidden lines are also removed from the scene. Shortcut key : Shift + H



Displays only the Nodal points. There are no edges or face sets. Shortcut key : Shift + P



Displays model with shading similar to Shaded Mode along with transparency on each surface. Shortcut-key: Shift + T


Note: Default transparency percentage is 93%. Users can edit transparency percentage using Transparency option in Edit | Options panel.