Excel 2003

This section describes how to embed VCollab Presenter into Microsoft Excel 2003.

VCollab Presenter can be embedded into PowerPoint 2003 in two ways

  • Embed through Insert menu items.

  • Embed through Control Tool box.

How to embed Presenter through Insert Menu?

  • Click Insert menu.

  • Click menu item VCollab Control. This menu item is available if VCollab suite is installed in the system.


  • It pops up open file dialog as below.


  • Select a CAx file.

  • Notice that Presenter is embedded as below.


  • Use right click options to view loaded model.

How to load Control Toolbox in Excel 2003?

  • Open Microsoft Excel 2003.

  • Click View | Toolbars | Control Toolbox as below.


  • Make sure that More Controls icon is available in the tool bar as shown below in red circle.


How to embed VCollab Presenter in Excel 2003?

  • Open Microsoft Excel 2003.


  • Make sure that Toolbox toolbar is available. Load the toolbar if not.

  • Click Tool box icon as shown below.


  • Select VCollab Control.

  • Draw a rectangle in the page and notice that presenter object is embedded.


  • Click on the object with Right mouse button which drops down menu items.


  • Select VCollab Control Object | Edit and notice that Presenter is ready to load model now as below.
