List of Commands

Set Parameters


This command contains parameters responsible for smoothness of the video generation.


Default Values: 20,1,20,20,Y
  • [1] nFrame_VP2VP: Specify number of frames while navigating from ViewPoint to ViewPoint

  • [2] nImgsPerView: Specify number of images to be captured for video creation for the view

  • [3] iSectionAnimFrames: Specify number of frames for showing section cut animation; 0 => Off

  • [4] iExplodeAnimFrame: Specify number of frames for Explode operation, 0 => Off

  • [5] bAnimTransparency(Y/N): To set part show/hide transparancy animation on (Y) or off (N). Default Y


This command contains parameters to control CAE animation smoothness. If viewpoint has animation, it will show animation after moving to that viewpoint.


Default Values:Y,1,0,1
  • [1] bCAEAnim (Y/N): Specify if CAE Animation capture is required for video generation, Yes or No

  • [2] nCylesPerView: Specify the number of cycles of the CAE animation to be captured

  • [3] nFramesPerCyle: Specify the number of frames for CAE Animation. Specify 0 to use animation dialog parameter

  • [4] nImgsPerCAEFrame: Specify the number of images per frame to be captured

ViewPoint Animation


This command captures ViewPoint animation of the ViewPoints as listed in index. The animation parameters are defined using VPANIM_PARAMS and VPANIM_CAEPARAMS commands.

  • [1] index1: Specify ViewPoint index number to start from

  • [2] index2: Specify ViewPoint index number to end with. If index2 is 0, all ViewPoints are animated


This command captures animation of image morphing from one viewpoint to another.

  • [1] vpindex1: Specify ViewPoint index of first frame. Specify N for current display

  • [2] vpindex2: Specify ViewPoint index for the second frame.

  • [3] nFrames: Specify number of frames for morphing

  • [4] sMethod: Specify a method for morphing

    • F1 : Fade

    • R1 : Left to Right Roll/Drag from first frame image to second

    • R2 : Right to Left Roll from first frame image to second

    • R3 : Top to Bottom Roll from first frame image to second

    • R4 : Bottom to Top Roll from first frame image to second

    • C1 : Left to Right Cover - second frame image onto first

    • C2 : Right to Left Cover - second frame image onto first

    • C3 : Top to Bottom Cover - second frame image onto first

    • C4 : Bottom to Top Cover - second frame image onto first


This command animates from current model view to the specified ViewPoint.

  • [1] ViewPath/N: Specify the ViewPath name to be selected, user can select N for current ViewPath

  • [2] ViewPoint/index: Specify the ViewPoint name or index to which the model view will be moved


This command applies the specified ViewPoint. Images are not captuted.

  • [1] vpindex: Specify the ViewPoint index value (starts from 1)

Model movements


This command rotates the model about an axis with respect to the center. Animation frames are captured.

ROTATE_MODEL,Axis[x,y,z],bScreen(Y/N),fTeta,nFrames,PartNameInfo=ALL/NONE/ADD/DEL/ONLY/INVERT/VP,Part name list
  • [1] Axis x,y,z: Specify the axis of rotation. For example: Rotation about Z-axis will be denoted as 0,0,1

  • [2] bScreen: Specify if coordinate system for rotation should be Global or Camera/Screen

  • [3] fTheta: Specify the angle of rotation

  • [4] nFrames: Specify the number of frames for a smoother video capture

  • [5] PartNameInfo: Specify the moving parts list for rotation. Optional(Default is current moving parts list)

    • ALL/NONE: All visible parts are considered. [6] is not used for this option

    • INVERT: All visible parts which are not present in current moving parts list. [6] is not used for this option

    • ADD: Add user specified parts to the current moving parts list. [6] is parts list

    • DEL: Delete user specified parts from the current moving parts list. [6] is is parts list

    • ONLY: Only user-specified parts will be considered. [6] is parts list

    • VP: Displayed parts in the user-specified ViewPoint will be considered

  • [6] Specify the part names list(Wild card character ‘*’ is supported), or ViewPoint and ViewPath


This command translates the model in a user-specified direction. Animation frames are captured.

MOVE_MODEL,Vector[x,y,z],bScreen(Y/N),fLength,nFrames,PartNameInfo=ALL/NONE/ADD/DEL/ONLY/INVERT/VP,Part name list
  • [1] x,y,z: Specify vector direction for translation. For example: Translation in Z-axis will be denoted as 0,0,1

  • [2] bScreen: Specify if coordinate system for rotation should be Global or Camera/Screen

  • [3] fLength: Specify the length of translation

  • [4] nFrames: Specify the number of frames for a smoother video capture

  • [5] PartNameInfo: Specify the moving parts list for translation. Optional(Default is current moving parts list)

    • ALL/NONE: All visible parts are considered. [6] is not used for this option

    • INVERT: All visible parts which are not present in current moving parts list. [6] is not used for this option

    • ADD: Add user specified parts to the current moving parts list. [6] is parts list

    • DEL: Delete user specified parts from the current moving parts list. [6] is is parts list

    • ONLY: Only user-specified parts will be considered. [6] is parts list

    • VP: Displayed parts in the user-specified ViewPoint will be considered

  • [6] Specify the part names list(Wild card character ‘*’ is supported), or ViewPoint and ViewPath


This command specifies the user-defined part name list for ROTATE_MODEL or MOVE_MODEL.

  • [1] PartNameInfo: Specify the part selection option:

    • ALL/NONE: All visible parts are considered. [2] is not used for this option

    • INVERT: All visible parts which are not present in current moving parts list. [2] is not used for this option

    • ADD: Add user specified parts to the current moving parts list. [2] is parts list

    • DEL: Delete user specified parts from the current moving parts list. [2] is parts list

    • ONLY: Only user-specified parts will be considered. [2] is parts list

    • VP: Displayed parts in the user-specified ViewPoint will be considered

  • [2] Specify the part names list (Wild card character ‘*’ is supported), or ViewPoint and ViewPath


This command resets all moves previously specified, and no image is captured for this command for video command.


Camera movements


This command rotates the camera to capture video while the model remains at the same location.

ROTATE_CAMERA,Axis[x,y,z],fDegrees,nFrames,bRelativeToScreen(Y/N),vector<float> rotation_centervector
  • [1] Axis x,y,z: Specify the axis of rotation. For example: Rotation about Z-axis will be denoted as 0,0,1

  • [2] fDegrees: Specify the angle of rotation in degrees

  • [3] nFrames: Specify the number of frames for a smoother video capture

  • [4] bRelativeToScreen: Specify if rotation of camera is with respect to screen

  • [5] Rotation_Center [x,y,z]: Specify the rotation center


This command translates the camera to capture video while the model remains at the same location.

MOVE_CAMERA,Translation Vector[x,y,z],nFrames,bRelativeToScreen(Y/N)
  • [1] Vector x,y,z: Specify the translation vector. For example: Translation in Z-axis will be denoted as 0,0,1

  • [2] nFrames: Specify the number of frames for a smoother video capture

  • [3] bRelativeToScreen: Specify if translation of camera is with respect to screen


This command translates the camera to capture video while the model remains at the same location. In this case translation vector is defined by direction vector and distance.

MOVE_CAMERA_DIR, <float> Direction Vector, float Distance,int nFrames,bool bRelativeToScreen
  • [1] Direction Vector x,y,z: Specify the translation vector (3 float values) (Program will normalise)

  • [2] Distance: translation distance

  • [3] nFrames: Specify the number of frames for video capture

  • [4] bRelativeToScreen: Specify if translation of camera is with respect to screen

Insert Video / Image File


This command inserts the video from a user-specified file path.

  • [1] filepath


This command inserts images from a user-specified folder path.

  • [1] folderpath

Capture CAE Animation


This command captures the CAE Animation in the current ViewPort. Viewpoint need not have animation stored.



It is recommended to preceed this command with VPANIM_CAEPARAMS. All parameters set will be used for capturing CAE animation.

Save Video to File


This command creates and saves the video (from the captured images) in the user-defined file path. Note that video can also be saved using GUI. Note that, all the images in the temporary folder will be deleted after creating the video.

SAVE_VIDEO,filepath,iSpeed[-4 to 3]
  • [1] filepath: Specify user-defined location(along with filename and extension) for saving the video

  • [2] iSpeed: Specify speed of the video, -4 being the slowest and 3 being the fastest

Explode Animation


This command captures the exploded animation.

  • [1] percent: Specify the explode percentage

  • [2] bReset: Specify if model needs to be reset after explosion

  • [3] nFrames: Specify number of frames for smoother video capture


This command captures the exploded animation in a user-defined direction.

  • [1] dirvec: Specify the explosion direction. For example: Explosion in z-axis will be denoted as 0,0,1

  • [2] Scale: Specify the explosion scale

  • [3] SortBy: Specify the method used for sequencing parts during the animation

    • Top: Parts are arranged from the top

    • Bot: Parts are arranged from the bottom

    • Mid: Parts are arranged from the middle of the assembly

    • Size: Parts are arranged based on bounding box size (small parts maximum distance)

  • [4] bReset: Specify if model needs to be reset after explosion

  • [5] nFrames: Specify number of frames for smoother video capture


This command captures animation of cut section.

CUTSECTION_ANIM, nFrame, bReset(Y/N), PlaneNormal(dx,dy,dz), NOD=nodeID/Position(x,y,z)
  • [1] nFrames: Specify number of frames for smoother video capture

  • [2] bReset: Specify if cut section is to be reset

  • [3] PlaneNormal: Specify the direction vector perpendicular to cut section plane

  • [4] NOD/Position: Specify either Node Number or x,y,z position

Capture Images


This command adds specified number of frames from the current display (Animation will wait)

  • [1] nFrames: Specify the user-defined number of frames


This command captures the current view as image.




This command selects the user-defined ViewPath and ViewPoint. Set the current viewpath.

SELECT_VPATH,ViewPath Name,VP index
  • [1] Viewpath Name: Specify the user-defined ViewPath Name

  • [2] VP index: Specify the user-defined ViewPoint index



This command enables displaying the given commands.

  • [1] bCmd: Specify to show commands by True/False. Default is False


This command defines parameters for CAE animation indicating to start the animation during camera/model movement animation. This command can be used to show CAE animation while moving the model (independent of Viewpoint Animation)

  • [1] nCycles: Specify the number of times the animation would run for

  • [2] Specify the CAE Animation type:

    • 0 indicates Linear Animation

    • 1 indicates Transient Animation

    • 3 indicates animating contour color based on Legend Palette using transparency

    • N use animation type from animation dialog

  • [3] nFrames: Specify the number of frames for video capture

  • [4] bDeform: Specify if deformation is required in the animation or not


This command stops the CAE Animation during the camera movement.



This command stops the execution of command statements.