VMoveCAD GUI Layout

VMoveCAD GUI on a Windows system can be invoked by:

  • Clicking Start | Programs | VCollab | VMoveCAD or

  • Running “%VCOLLAB_DIR%VMoveCAD64VMoveCAD.exe” on the command line.

The image below shows the GUI layout which is presented on the screen once VMoveCAD is started.


The various fields and their descriptions are given below



Input Mode- File

With this option, users can indicate a single CAD file/ assembly as the input mode.

Input Mode - Directory

This option allows users to specify the input mode as a directory which contains multiple CAD files.

Output File Type- Format

This option lets the user select the output format.

Input CAD File/Directory

Users need to browse and select file or directory where the input file is saved.

Output File/Directory

Users need to browse and select the location /directory where the output should be saved.


With this option, users can include/exclude the surface geometry in CAX translation. By default, it is checked which means it is included.

Lines and Curves

With this option, users can include/exclude the Lines and Curves in CAX translation. By default, it is checked which means it is included.

Point Set

With this option, users can include/exclude the Point set in CAX translation. By default it is unchecked, which means it is excluded.

Tessellation Tolerance

With this option, the user can control the tessellation by specifying a tolerance value. It influences the model quality as well as the CAX file size.

Combine Parts

This option allows the user to combine the parts under each group.

Retain Part Color

VCollab doesn’t support multi-material color in a single part. So when a CAD part has multiple colors, this option allows the user to create multiple parts to retain the color. When it’s unchecked, it creates a single part. Here the colors will be lost.

Detailed Log

When checked, this option writes a detailed log information for debugging purposes


Translate Starts the CAD to CAX conversion process.


Provides the VMoveCAD version information.


Launches Online help.


Closes the window.