How to Probe CAE Results in VCollab Presenter?

The Probe option helps to display CAE result values for specific nodes or elements as labels in the VCollab Presenter viewer.

Steps to Select a probe type

  • Right click inside the viewer window to open the context menu

  • Select CAE | Probe Type

  • Click any one of them.


Probe On Mouse Move - This option enables probing CAE result by moving the mouse over the model.

Probe types can also be selected from the Probe icon drop down menu


Steps to probe CAE results

  • Clickimage5 icon or select CAE | Probe option in context menu, which enables mouse mode to probe CAE Result.

  • Move mouse over nodal points. A label with CAE result value for the nodal point appears and disappears as the mouse moves to another nodal point.

  • Click a nodal point. The nodal CAE result value will be displayed.


  • Select probe type as Current Result - Full or use the shortcut key Alt + click on model probes to display the base components of result.


  • Select probe type as All Results - Table and click on a node. It displays a table with abbreviated result names and values.


  • Select probe type as All Instances - Table or shortcut key Shift + Click on a nodal point to display all available nodal results for the same node in a single label.


  • Select probe type as All Instances - XYPlot or shortcut key Ctrl + Click on a nodal ID to display XY plot transient curve. This is applicable only for transient data.


  • Select probe type as tracer to trace the path of the node at different instances or time steps.


Probe Table Details

The probe table details are split into three regions.

  1. Header : This corresponds to the table header. It contains node or element ID. In case of merging more than one model, this header contains more than one ID and each ID refers to one column in the value region.

  2. Row Header: The row header holds the model name for the column data. It is useful when comparing multiple models.

  3. Column Header: The column header lists all the result names. It contains only abbreviations of results. For e.g., D is for displacement. Users can refer to the abbreviation table if necessary.

  4. Value Region: These cells hold the values corresponding to column and row header.


Table Header Context Menu


Column or Row header Context Menu


Value Region Context Menu


The various options available under the Probe label context menu are explained below.

Edit Font

Change the font and its attributes.


Show/hide the selected label headers and label legends.


Modify or edit the table except existing result values. It is visible for Model header, Result header and Value cells. It is not applicable for ID header and Part header cells.

Mark Min & Max

Highlight the table if value is maximum or minimum among the available tables.

Focus Node

Focus the nodal vertex region based on levels.

Hide Label

Hide the selected label.

Delete Label

Delete the selected label.

Show All Labels

Shows all labels independent of attached position visibility

Hide All Labels

Hide all labels.

Delete All Labels

Delete all existing labels.

Delete All Hidden Labels

Delete all hidden labels.

Invert Show Labels

Invert the labels’ visibility.

Fit Labels

Fit all labels inside the viewer.

Autofit Labels

Fit all labels inside the viewer during scene rotation, zoom and pan.

Arrange Labels

Arrange all labels and tables in multiple rows according to their attached positions in the model.

Auto Arrange Labels

Arrange all labels automatically whenever the user modifies the label or table dimensions

Set As Default

Sets the probe table format settings and probe type as default In case of viewpoint, these settings will be overridden by viewpoint label settings. (i.e., viewpoint label format will be set as default)

Steps to scale Geometry or Parts before Probing

  • Click Edit | Product Explorer, which displays the product tree.

  • Click the group node, not leaf node.

  • Right click on the node to open the context menu.

  • Select Transform option.

  • Check the Scale option.

  • Enter the scale factors for each coordinate axis. The model is scaled and is ready for probing.

Steps to Edit and format Table

  • Double click on the table header cells to open the context menu

  • Click Modify | Header Name to change the header or result name.


  • Check Update Viewpoints option to update all viewpoint tables.

  • Enter a name and click OK to update the table.

  • Right click on a value cell and select Edit Font to open the Edit Value Label panel.


Apply to Tables

Set either current table or all tables

Apply to Fields

Set all fields or current field or current column.


Change the font

Font Size

Change the font size.

Text Color

Change text color

Background Color

Enable/disable background and select a color.


Align the label text into left, right or center horizontally.

Update All ViewPoints

Apply and update the modifications to viewpoints too.

Update Merged Models

Update all merged model probe labels

  • Make necessary changes and click OK.

  • Double Click on the value cell to open the context menu and edit the value.

  • Click ‘Modify | Field Value…’ option which opens the Edit Table Value panel.


  • Edit the value and update the modified value to all update viewpoints if needed

  • Select All Tables and All Fields options to apply the modifications to all viewpoints.

  • The modified value can be applied to all fields or the column selected or current cell or field.

  • Click OK to apply all modifications.