Auto Upgrade Abaqus ODB files

When a user selects an ODB file that belongs to an Abaqus version older than what VMoveCAE supports, VMoveCAE is forced to upgrade and create a new file that corresponds to the supported version. VMoveCAE can then load the upgraded ODB file to identify and display the parts, results and instances and to translate and generate a CAX file.

This upgrade procedure differs in VMoveCAE GUI and batch modes. In batch mode, VMoveCAE automatically upgrades the spcified ODB solution and creates the ODB file corresponding to the supported version into a temporary folder. In GUI mode, VMoveCAE opens a wizard prompting user to choose between upgrading the ODB file and going ahead with the loading or skipping the upgradation and stopping the loading as shown below.


By default, the upgraded file path is set to a temporary folder created by VMoveCAE. The upgraded file is deleted after the termination of VMoveCAE session. In the case that user wants to retain the file, he/she can do so by changing the folder of the upgraded file path.

It is also possible to skip showing the wizard and upgrade the file automatically. This can be done by enabling the auto upgrade option as described below.

  1. Start VMoveCAE.

  2. Go to Settings->Preferences to open the Preferences dialog box. Check Auto upgrade Abaqus ODB files checkbox.


  3. Click on the “OK” button to update the setting.