VCollab License Timeout
VCollab license timeout is a feature that releases inactive licenses back to the license pool. The VCollab application is determined to be inactive when the application is idle, meaning no mouse clicks and keystrokes are occurring with the application
Procedure to enable Timeout Feature
Create a VE3D.opt file and open it in a text editor
- Add the following line and save the file
TIMEOUTALL time_in_secs
For example, TIMEOUTALL 900 (Here 900 refers to 15 mins)
Open the VCollab license file in the text editor
- Update the Vendor line as below (mentioning the full path is recommended)
SERVER lic_server_name 001122334455
VENDOR VE3D options=F:\Lic_Server\VE3D.opt
Save the license file
Now, Restart the FLEXlm license server
By default, the In-Active Timeout for VCollabPro is 2 Hrs. If the application is idle for 2 Hours (No mouse or Keyboard interaction from the user with the VCollabPro), the application sends the inactivity notification to the License Server. Then Server waits till the TIMEOUT minutes mentioned in the .opt file. For example, 15 mins here. If there is still no activity notification from the client application, the license server takes the license back to the license pool and keeps it available for other users. By default, the license is released to the license pool in 120 mins + X mins(mentioned in .opt file) in case of the inactivity of the application.