How to do Batch Translation?
VCollab Suite provides a batch utility called VMoveCAEBatch.exe. It is used to generate CAX files without user intervention and helps CAE analysts in automating the CAX generation process. The usage is as follows:
VMoveCAEBatch.exe [option=value] <model_file> [results_file] <CAX_file>
The <model_file> and the <CAX_file> are mandatory arguments to the VMoveCAEBatch.exe. They represent the file paths of the input CAE model file as well as the output CAX file.
Creating CAX file from a CAE file
The following command loads the file viewer_tutorial.odb from abaqus folder and creates a CAX file named viewer_tutorial.CAX in the CAX folder.
VMoveCAEBatch.exe abaqusviewer_tutorial.odb CAXviewer_tutorial.CAX
Translating mesh and results stored in different files to CAX.
Simulation data is stored in the form of model and result files in any CAE software. For example, Fluent creates .cas and .dat files. The .cas file consists of the mesh, boundary conditions and initial conditions where as the .dat file contains the simulation results. For such files, VMoveCAE supports appending results from the result file (.dat in Fluent) to the mesh in the corresponding model file (.cas in Fluent). This feature is available only for certain file types.
The results file path is provided by using the [results_file] optional argument. For successful translation, the [results_file] and the <model_file> should correspond to the same case. The following example describes how to translate mesh and results stored in different files to CAX.
VMoveCAEBatch.exe fluent/ic3d1000.cas fluent/ic3d1000.dat CAX/ic3d1000.CAX
Filtering out Parts, Results and Instances During Batch Translation
There are several options provided by VMoveCAEBatch to filter out parts, results and instances, as given below.
–results=RESULT_LIST : Translates the results listed in RESULT_LIST
—results=“Displacement, Stress”
–results=“Temperature, Mach Number”
–filter-results=RESULT_LIST: Filters the results specified in RESULT_LIST
—filter-results=“Von Mises Stress, Contact Pressure”
–filter-results=“Logarithmic Strain, Reaction Force”
–parts=PART_LIST: Translates the parts specified in PART_LIST
–filter-parts=PART_LIST: Filters the parts specified in PART_LIST
Example: –filter-parts=“ALL ELEMENTS, WarnElemDistorted”
–parts-ids=PART_ID_LIST: Translates the parts having ids listed in PART_ID_LIST
Example: –part-ids=1,30-35,41
–filter-parts-ids=PART_ID_LIST: Filters the parts having ids listed in PART_ID_LIST
Example: –filter-part-ids=4-8,12
–instances=INSTANCE_LIST: Translates the instances listed in INSTANCE_LIST
—instances=“1-6, 8-12”
–instances=“1:5-1:8, 2”
–filter-instances=INSTANCE_LIST: Filters the instances listed in INSTANCE_LIST
Example: –filter-instances=“:1-:4, 2”
–enable-mid-nodes: Enables mid-node translation
–disable-mid-nodes: Disables mid-node translation
-b <inputs_file_path>: Reads the translation parameters from the inputs_file_path.
The value of each option is a list whose items are separated by commas.
For example, –results=“Displacement, Stress” will translate results - “Displacement” and “Stress”.
It is mandatory to enclose the list in quotes (“”) when the list contains spaces. The quotes can be avoided if there are no spaces.
For example, –results=“Displacement, Stress” and –results=Displacement,Stress are equivalent. However, it is recommended to use quotes.
The part ids as well as instances can have a hyphen to specify a range.
For example, –filter-part-ids=”4-8, 12” option results in filtering of parts with ids 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 12.
The exact interpretation of Instance depends upon the context in which they are used. They are used in many places to signify the load step or time step number, increment number, vibration, or buckling mode number, etc. For example, for a CFD unsteady simulation, an instance 5 can represent fifth time-step in the simulation. In an ABAQUS odb database the instance 3:2 is used to represent the second frame of the third step.
Multiple Hyphens ‘-‘ can be used together to specify the instances that need to be translated or filtered.
For Example:
Option –instances=“1-6, 8-12” specifies that instances one to six and eight to twelve needs to be translated.
Option –instances=“1:5-1:8, 2” specifies that frames five to eight need to be translated for the first step along with all frames for the second step.
Option –filter-instances=“:1-:4, 2” filters out the frames from one to four for all steps. It also filters out all the frames of the second step.
If both –results and –filter-results options are specified, the option –filter-results will be ignored.
When both –instances and –filter-instances options are specified, –filter-instances option will be ignored.
When either –parts or –part-ids are specified, –filter-parts and filter-part-ids will be ignored.
All the names of the results and parts are not case sensitive.
Supported Results
The names of the results that VMoveCAE batch supports in its arguments are provided in the following table. This table also lists the corresponding data types for each result.
Result Name |
Result Type |
Specific Heat |
Scalar |
Density |
Scalar |
Equivalent Creep Strain |
Scalar |
Equivalent Elastic Strain |
Scalar |
Equivalent Plastic Strain |
Scalar |
Energy |
Scalar |
Energy Density |
Scalar |
Total Energy |
Scalar |
Entropy |
Scalar |
Failure Index |
Scalar |
Gap Thickness |
Scalar |
Enthalpy |
Scalar |
Heat Generated |
Scalar |
Heat Flow |
Scalar |
Heat Flux Component |
Scalar |
Total Heat Flux |
Scalar |
Length |
Scalar |
Kinetic Energy |
Scalar |
Kinetic Energy Density |
Scalar |
Kinetic Energy Percent |
Scalar |
Mach Number |
Scalar |
Mass |
Scalar |
Mass Flow |
Scalar |
Pressure |
Scalar |
Contact Pressure |
Scalar |
Reaction Heat Flow |
Scalar |
Von Mises Stress |
Scalar |
Torsional Stress |
Scalar |
Tresca Stress |
Scalar |
Safety Factor |
Scalar |
Safety Factor Compression |
Scalar |
Safety Factor Tension |
Scalar |
Strain Energy |
Scalar |
Contact Status |
Scalar |
Thermal Energy Error |
Scalar |
Temperature |
Scalar |
Total Temperature |
Scalar |
Thickness |
Scalar |
Principal Strain |
Scalar |
Strain |
Tensor |
Creep Strain |
Tensor |
Elastic Strain |
Tensor |
Logarithmic Strain |
Tensor |
Plastic Strain |
Tensor |
Strain Rate |
Tensor |
Thermal Strain |
Tensor |
Stress |
Tensor |
Acceleration |
Vector/SixDOF |
Velocity |
Vector/SixDOF |
Body Force |
Vector/SixDOF |
Displacement |
Vector/SixDOF |
Contact Displacement |
Vector/SixDOF |
Contact Force |
Vector/SixDOF |
Heat Flux |
Vector/SixDOF |
Conductive Heat Flux |
Vector/SixDOF |
Convective Heat Flux |
Vector/SixDOF |
Heat Gradient |
Vector/SixDOF |
Mass Flux |
Vector/SixDOF |
Momentum |
Vector/SixDOF |
Pressure Gradient |
Vector/SixDOF |
Reaction Force |
Vector/SixDOF |
Rotation Angle Vector |
Vector/SixDOF |
Temperature Gradient |
Vector/SixDOF |
Contact Traction |
Vector/SixDOF |
External Applied Force |
Vector/SixDOF |
The following command creates a CAX file with all element sets, but with only displacement and stress results from the CAE file.
VMoveCAEBatch.exe –results=“Displacement, Stress” bracket2.op2 bracket2.CAX
The following command creates a CAX file with all element sets, and all results except for external applied force and reaction force from the CAE file.
VMoveCAEBatch.exe –filter-results=“External Applied Force, Reaction Force” bracket2.op2 bracket2.CAX
The following command creates a CAX file with all element sets except for “All Elements”, and results - stress and displacement from the CAE file. Only results belonging to step one, frames four to eight of step two and frames eleven to fifteen of all steps gets translated.
VMoveCAEBatch.exe –results=“Displacement, Stress” –instances=“1, 2:4-2:8, :11-:15” –filter-parts=“ALL ELEMENTS” viewer_tutorial.odb viewer_tutorial.CAX
VMoveCAE also provides the ability to specify the translation parameters using translation parameter files..
VMoveCAEBatch.exe -b translation_parameters.txt