How to Append Results File to a Model?

VMoveCAE supports appending results from the result file (.dat in Fluent) to the mesh in the corresponding model file (.cas in Fluent). This feature is available only for certain file types. Append Results icon is enabled only for file types for which appending results feature is supported.

The following steps describe how to append results in VMoveCAE for a .cas file.

  1. Start VMoveCAE and load a Fluent .cas file

    For a .cas file, only the parts are displayed since results are not available in this file type. The Append Results icon is enabled and indicates that results can be appended from the corresponding .dat file.

    Load Fluent cas file

  2. Click on Append Results icon. To append results from the .dat file, click on the Append Results Append Result Icon icon. This will open a file open browser. Select the corresponding .dat file and load it.


  3. VMoveCAE displays the appended results

VMoveCAE displays the appended results as shown in the image below.


These parts and results will be translated to a CAX file when saved.