How are Parts Classified?

Parts Classification in VMoveCAE

In VMoveCAE, the basis for parts classification is different for different file formats. The following table lists the various file formats and their corresponding parts classification.

File Format

Part Classifier

LS-Dyna input decks and binary result data

Material identifier

ANSYS solution files

Element type number

ABAQUS input decks and results

Element set name

MSC.NASTRAN input decks and results files


MSC.MARC results

Element sets and contact sets

Fluent mesh and case files

Zone identifier

StarCCM+ results

Region identifier

Changing the Element Grouping

Users can change the element grouping and part generation through GUI or in batch mode.


  1. Start VMoveCAE and load a CAE file.

  2. Go to Settings->Preferences to open the Preferences dialog box.

  3. Click on Part Grouping. Select the Part Grouping Type for all the required interfaces and click “OK” to save these preferences to VMoveCAE GUI configuration file.


Note: Clicking on Reset clears the interface changes made in that session. Clicking on Defaults resets the part grouping to VMoveCAE default for all the interfaces.

Batch Mode

Users can specify the element grouping mechanism for generating parts using the “–part-grouping” command line option. The supported grouping types are listed below.

Element Group Type



Use default part generation mechanism


Use property id or ODB sections to group elements into parts


Use material id to group elements into parts


Use element sets to create parts


Use element type and number to group elements into parts


No parts to be created

For example, to create parts based on property-id element group the command to be used is:

VMoveCAEBatch.exe –part-grouping=”property-id” hinge.odb hinge.cax

Similar commands can be used for other element group types (material-id, element-set, etc) to generate parts.