Exporting Viewpoints into a Powerpoint File
VCollab Pro users can export viewpoints of a CAX file into a Powerpoint file in batch mode. The input is given through an XML file which consists of all the information to export viewpoints into a PPT file. Powerpoint file using viewpoint.
Prompt :VCollabPro.exe file folder> VCollabPro.exe -b <input xml file path>
C:Program FilesVCollabVCollabPro64> VCollabPro.exe -b “C:testbatch.xml”
Sample Batch File - Basic
File Name: VCollabProBatch_ViewPt2PPT_Basic.xml
Location: “..SamplesBatchMode Inputs"
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”utf-8” ?> <!– BatchVersion 1.0 –> <!– VCollab Pro : Allows batch mode execution using -b option from command line. –> <!– Sample Usage : C:VCollabAppPath>VCollabPro.exe -b this.xml –> <!– Copyright (C) 2010 Visual Collaboration Technologies Inc. –> <!– This xml format is alpha and it can be improved or changed by VCollab at the time of release VCollab Pro –> <!– Purpose: This sample explains, How to generate MS-PowerPoint PPT files from VCollab Pro application in batch mode –> <!– Here, each viewpoints in cax file are exported as PowerPoint slide –> <VCollabBatch fVersion = “0.1”
</VCollabBatch> |
Dynamic Arguments
Arguments for exporting viewpoints into a powerpoint file can also be set dynamically in batch mode. This feature is useful for repeated operations without having to edit values in the input XML file.
The XML file is thus used as a template and its values are set externally through command line arguments.
C:Program FilesVCollabVCollabPro64> VCollabPro.exe -b “C:testbatch.xml” “..SamplesBatchMode Inputscylinder.cax” “..SamplesBatchMode Inputstemplate.pot” “C:output.ppt”
In this example, the input CAX file, powerpoint template path, and output powerpoint file have been provided dynamically.
The arguments are denoted as @arg#N where N is the index of the argument in the command line. Dynamic arguments can be used in any field and in any order, but @arg#N has to match with the command line input index.
In this example,
@arg#0 = VCollabPro.exe
@arg#1 = -b
@arg#2 = C:/test/batch.xml
@arg#3 = ..SamplesBatchMode Inputscylinder.cax which is assigned to sInputFile
@arg#4 = ..SamplesBatchMode Inputstemplate.pot which is assigned to sPPtTemplatePath
@arg#5 = C:output.ppt which is assigned to sOutputPPTPath
Modified xml
Fields that take values from command line arguments are highlighted.
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”utf-8” ?> <!– BatchVersion 1.0 –> <!– VCollab Pro : Allows batch mode execution using -b option from command line. –> <!– Sample Usage : C:VCollabAppPath>VCollabPro.exe -b this.xml –> <!– Copyright (C) 2010 Visual Collaboration Technologies Inc. –> <!– This xml format is alpha and it can be improved or changed by VCollab at the time of release VCollab Pro –> <!– Purpose: This sample explains, How to generate MS-PowerPoint PPT files from VCollab Pro application in batch mode –> <!– Here, each viewpoints in cax file are exported as PowerPoint slide –> <VCollabBatch fVersion = “0.1”
</VCollabBatch> |
Sample Batch File - Advanced
File Name: VCollabProBatch_ViewPt2PPT_Advanced.xml
Location: “..SamplesBatchMode Inputs"
It can be used with dynamic arguments also.
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”utf-8” ?> <!– BatchVersion 1.0 –> <!– VCollab Pro : Allows batch mode execution using -b option from command line. –> <!– Sample Usage : C:VCollabAppPath>VCollabPro.exe -b this.xml –> <!– Copyright (C) 2010 Visual Collaboration Technologies Inc. –> <!– This xml format is alpha and it can be improved or changed by VCollab at the time of release VCollab Pro –> <!– Purpose: This sample explains, How to generate MS-PowerPoint PPT files from VCollab Pro application in batch mode –> <!– Here, each viewpoints in cax file are exported as PowerPoint slide –> <VCollabBatch fVersion = “0.1”
</VCollabBatch> |