Quick Reference

What is a CAX file?

CAX file is the native proprietary file format of VCollab.

This file is currently generated using VMoveCAE utility from CAE result files.

How to generate a CAX file from CAE result and geometry files of Native CAD/CAM/CAE softwares?

Users can use VMoveCAE, a product of VCollab, to convert CAE result files into CAX files.

Visit http://www.vcollab.com to know more about VMoveCAE.

How to embed VCollab Presenter in Microsoft Powerpoint for Presentation?

  • Open Microsoft Powerpoint

  • Click Control Toolbox.

  • Select VCollab Control.

  • Draw a rectangle to indicate the size for the VCollab Control object.

  • Right click on the VCollab Control

  • Click VCollab Control | Edit menu item to get the Presenter ready.

Click here to know in detail.

How to Open a file in VCollab Presenter?

  • Select Open File option from the Context menu.

  • Select the file to be opened from the file open dialog box.

  • The selected file will be loaded in the presenter.

How to use Scene Tree?

  • Select Product Explorer option from the context menu.

  • Select Scene Tree tab

  • This displays the scene tree window, which shows the hierarchy of groups, parts and transforms of the object in the viewer window.

  • Use the Product Tree to show / hide and highlight parts in the viewer.

How to Load CAE Results?

  • Click image0 icon which opens up Results dialog box.

  • Select a Result

  • Select an instance from the Instance drop down list.

  • Select a derived type from Derived type drop down.

  • Notice that selected CAE results are applied concurrently in the viewer.

How to activate CAE Animation?

  • Click image1 icon to open up dialog to manage animation.

How to See Through a Model?

  • Click Display mode from the context menu.

  • Select Transparent and notice that all parts of the model are transparent.

How to Show/Hide parts?

  • Select Product Explorer from the context menu.

  • Select Scene Tree tab.

  • Expand Product tree.

  • Uncheck a Part to hide and check again to show.

How to create a viewpoint state?

  • Select Product Explorer from the context menu.

  • Select Viewpoints tab

  • Right click on the panel

  • Click Add Viewpoint

  • The Add Path dialog box opens if there is no path available.

  • Enter a name for the path.

  • Click Ok which opens up Add Viewpoint dialog.

  • Enter a name.

  • Current scene view is stored as a viewpoint state.

  • Users can retrieve the viewpoint state at any time by just clicking on the viewpoint state name.

  • Users can store all observations as a number of viewpoint states.

How to create a Viewpoint Animation?

  • Open Viewpoints panel from Product Explorer.

  • Right click in the viewpoints panel.

  • Select Animate Path from the drop down menu.

  • Animation starts with the first viewpoint state and ends with the last one.

How to change CAE legend colors?

  • Click image2 icon.

  • Select Edit Legend tab.

  • Select Number of colors in the Palette drop down list.

  • Click a specific color in the palette to change the individual color.

  • Select a color or define a custom color in the opened up color picker dialog.

  • Click Apply to apply the changes in the viewer.

How to change the CAE Result range?

  • Click image3 icon. It pops up CAE Settings dialog.

  • Click Update Legend Tab.

  • Check both the check boxes provided for Min and Max.

  • Enter a new range in edit boxes provided for Min and Max.

  • Click Update Current Instance to apply the change in current frame alone.

  • Click Update All Instances to apply the change to all frames.

How to find distance between two points in the model?

  • Select Measure option from viewer context menu items.

  • Select Distance option.

  • Click a start point on the model.

  • Click an end point on the model.

  • The distance value is displayed in the right most corner of the viewer.

How to pick and move a part?

  • Select a part or group of parts.

  • Select Pick from the context menu.

  • Drag with the right mouse button to move the part.

  • Select Pick option again to drop the part

How to set an exploded view?

  • Select Explode option from the context menu.

  • Click Explode in the opened up dialog to set the exploded view of the model.

  • Click Animate check box to enable animation in exploding model

How to probe CAE Result?

  • Click the probe icon image4 from the toolbar.

  • Click on the model and notice that the CAE value for the clicked node is displayed as a label in the viewer.

  • Click away from the model to hide displayed labels.

How to move labels?

  • Click icon image5 from the toolbar.

  • Click on a label and move the mouse pointer to the new position.

  • Click on the new position.