Icons/Context menu items and Descriptions
This page contains all tool bar icons and its simple descriptions.
Toolbar Icons
Icon title
Product Explorer
This contains Scene Tree, Part List, Viewpoint List and Label List panels.
Fit View
Fits the model into user view.
Display Mode
Changes its display mode for each click. Possible display modes are Shaded, Shaded Mesh, Wire frame, Hidden Line, Transparent and Points respectively.
Explodes all parts.
Allows user to define a section plane to clip or cut the model.
Measure Distance
Allows user to measure 3D Distance between any two points on model.
CAE Results
Lists all results and user selected result would be applied on model.
CAE Settings
Pops up CAE Settings dialog, which has tabs for Legend Settings, Edit Legend, Hotspot Finder, Vector Plot and XYPlot.
Enables to probe CAE results
Hotspot Finder
Enables CAE hotspots finder mode.
Pops up Animate dialog.
Add Notes
Pops up Add Notes dialog for user annotation.
Move Label
Enables mouse mode to move label
Zoom Region
Allows user to zoom in a specific area.
Viewer Context Menu
Context Menu Item Description
Resets to default front view.
Fit view
Brings all parts of model into view port
Shows/hides parts.
Open file
Allows user to load CAx file
Product Explorer
Contains scene tree, view points panel, Label List and Part List
Explodes all parts.
Allows user to change background
Edit Mouse
Allows user to customize mouse operations
Allows user to view cut section of model
Allows user to deal with CAE data.
Allows user to pick and drop a part.
Allows user to measure distance and arc/circle
View Point
Allows user to add viewpoint states.
Display Mode
Displays different display modes. Display options for Axis, Full Screen, Properties and Line set size.
Move Model As
Helps in increasing performance in user interaction.
Allows user to modify label visibility.
Refresh Normals
Allows user to apply recomputed Normals to the model.
Passive Transformation mode
Expands more options.