Creating and Editing Flow Lines

VMoveCAE provides the ability to create streamlines and particle-trace. This support is limited to steady flows only. This module shows the steps for creating streamlines and particle-traces.

  1. Start VMoveCAE and load a CFD file.

  2. Select Velocity from the Results and Properties tree to enable the Add Flow-Lines icon from the toolbar.

  3. Click on the Add Flow-Lines icon to open the Flow Lines window.

    Velocity Selected

    Flow Lines Window

  4. Set the flow-line parameters and click Add. This adds a new flow-line in the “Features” tree in “Geometry and Features” window.

    Note: For Starting Points, users can either provide a single point, or select a part from the “Geometry and Features” tree. When a part is selected, VMoveCAE uses the centroids of the part’s faces as flow-line starting points. Particle traces require additional inputs such as time-step, number of steps in the animation and injection frequency (Ex. injection frequency of 10 means particles are injected at the starting points every 10 steps).

    Parameters Entered

    Flow-line Added

  5. Click on Save CAX icon to translate and create a CAX file. Open it in VCollab Pro or Presenter to visualize the added flow-line. For a better flow-line visualization, user can make the parts transparent.