Creating and Editing Cut-Section

VMoveCAE provides the ability to create cut-sections.

This module details the steps for creating cut-sections.

  1. Load the CAE file

    In this example beam.rst file provided in the samples directory is used.

  2. Click on the Add Cut-Section icon to create cut-sections.

    Click Cut-Section

    This brings up the cut-section window.

  3. Add a cut-section: A cut-section can be added by entering an equation and clicking Add. The cut-section equation need to be in the form of “AX+BY+CZ=D”.

    In this example we have entered “X=50”.

    Adding Cut-Section

    The new item gets added to the Cut-Sections tree under found under Features..

    Added Cut-Section

  4. More cut-sections can be added in a similar way. For example, another cut-section with “Y=5” can be added.

    Added second cut-section

    An existing cut-section can be changed by changing its Plane Equation.

    Select the cut-section “Y=5” and change the value to “X-2.4Y+1.6Z=80”.

    Changed the second cut-section value

  5. Proceed to translate to CAX file by clicking on Save CAX icon. The output CAX file can be opened in VCollab Professional or VCollab Presenter to visualize the file cut-sections. If any cut-section is out of bounds and not cutting the geometry then VMoveCAE ignores it and the cut-section will not be created.

  6. Generation of multiple parallel cut-sections

Multiple parallel cut-sections can be specified and created in one go with VMoveCAE. For this, specify a range and number of cut-sections on the right side of the expression instead of a value. If no limit is specified by the user, VMoveCAE automatically computes the domain boundaries and uses them as limits.


  1. A plane equation of “Y = 0:10:5” results in the generation five cut-sections for “Y=1”, “Y=3”, “Y=5”, “Y=7” and “Y=9”. Zero represents the lower limit, ten represents the higher limit and the five represents the number of cut-sections.

  2. A plane equation of “Y = :: 5” creates five equally spaced cut-sections along the Y-axis.

  3. The user can also specify only one of the limits, letting VMoveCAE compute and use the domain limit for the other limit. For example, “Y=:10:5” uses the domain minimum of the Y-coordinate value as the lower limit.