Create Result using Coordinate Transformation

VCollab helps user to create a new CAE result by transforming an existing result to user defined coordinate system. This is applicable for vector and tensor results, not for scalar result.

Computation of New Result

New result is computed by transforming the current vector / tensor result to new coordinate system.

[New Result Vector / Tensor ] = [Coordinate Transformation] x [Current Result Vector / Tensor]

Result Transformation Panel



Allows user to select a result to be transformed. This lists all vector and tensor results, not the scalar results.


Lists all possible components and an option to transform all components.

Coord Systems

Lists all user defined coordinate systems and allows user to select one UCS for result transformation.

New Result Name

A default new result name is constructed based on user selection. However user can edit it.


Creates a new result into UCS.

How to create a new result using User Defined Coordinate System?

  • Make sure that at least one coordinate system is available for result transformation.

  • Click CAE | Create Result | Using Coord Systems…

  • It pops up CAE Result Transformation panel.

  • Select a result.

  • Select a component.

  • Select a user defined coordinate system from the list.

  • Edit default new result name, if necessary.

  • Click Create button.

  • If success, the following message will be popped up.


  • New result will be added to the result list dialog.