Creating CAX embedded MS-Office Files
VCollab Presenter provides executable files that help to create MS office Word and Powerpoint files embedded with CAX files.
Creating MS Word File from Input CAX File
To create a .doc file embedded with the input .cax file, download *Cax2Doc.exe* and run in batch mode.
Syntax: Cax2Doc.exe <CAX input file path> <output word file path>
C:\…\bin> Cax2Doc.exe “C:\MyCaxInput.cax” “C:\MyDoc.doc”
param[0] = “Cax2Doc.exe” : Application
param[1] = “C:\MyCaxInput.cax”: Input data File
param[2] = “C:\MyDoc.doc” : Output MS-Word Document file, where CAX is linked in VCollabPresenter
System Dependencies :
VCollab Presenter 2009 and above
MS-Word 2003 and above
Creating MS Powerpoint File from Input CAX File
To create a .ppt file embedded with the input .cax file, download *Cax2PPT.exe* and run in the batch mode.
Command Line Usage: “ApplicationName.exe” “path\InputVCZFile.cax” “path\OutputPPTFile.ppt” “path\InputPptTemplateFile.pot”
C:\…\bin> Cax2PPT.exe “C:\MyInputCAX.cax” “C:\MyPPT.ppt” “C:\MyInputPPTTemplate.pot”
param[0] = “Cax2PPT.exe” : Application
param[1] = “C:\ MyInputCAX.cax”: Input data File
param[2] = “C:\ MyPPT.ppt” : Output MS-PowerPoint Presentation file, where cax is linked in VCollabPresenter
System Dependencies :
VCollab Presenter 2009 and above
MS-Word 2003 and above