Filtering Parts, Results and Instances in Translation Parameters Files

In VMoveCAE, parts, results and instances can be specified for filtering while using translation parameters files.

Translating and Filtering Parts

Consider the below examples for text and XML file formats.

Text File:


        name = cyl-wall-layer

        id = 47
        translate = true


XML File:


        <attribute key="name" value="cyl-wall-layer" />

        <attribute key="id" value="47" />
        <attribute key="translate" value="true" />



  • Users can specify either a name variable or an id variable for each part.

  • For Ansys files,

    • The name refers to the name of the named component in the ds.dat or cdb file.

    • The id refers to the the element type number

  • For Fluent mesh and solution files,

    • The name refers to the name or either a face zone or a cell zone

    • The id refers to the id of the face zone or a cell zone.

  • If both name and id are specified, and if there is a conflict, VMoveCAE ignores the name and uses the id to identify the part.

  • The “translate” variable can have either “true” or “false” as its value.

  • A “filter” variable can be used instead of the “translate” variable. Specifying “filter = true” is same as “translate = false” and vice-versa.

  • The “translate” or “filter” variables are not mandatory. If they are not specified, the default values are used.

Translating and filtering results

Text File:


        name = Displacement

        translate = true


XML File:


        <attribute key="name" value="Displacement" />

        <attribute key="translate" value="true" />



  • User need to specify the name of the result

  • Either “translate” or “filter” variable can be used to specify whether to translate or filter the result. If they are not specified, the default values are used.

Specifying the default behaviour

Text file:


        parts = filter

        results = filter


XML File:


        <attribute key="parts" value="filter" />

        <attribute key="results" value="filter" />



  • The “parts” variable specify whether to filter or translate the unspecified parts

  • The “results” variable specify whether to filter or translate the unspecified results.

  • The valid values for the “parts” and “results” are “translate” and “filter”.

  • If user specifies, “parts = translate” in the “defaults” block, the default value of “translate” for parts is taken as “false” and vice-versa.

  • Similarly, if user specifies, “results = filter” in the “defaults” block, the default value of the “translate” for the results is take as “true” and vice-versa.