Filtering Parts, Results and Instances in Batch Mode

In VMoveCAE, users can filter out parts, results and instances while translating a CAE file to a CAX file. This filtering can be achieved using command-line options as listed below.

  1. –results=RESULT_LIST : Translates the results listed in RESULT_LIST

    Example: –results=“Displacement, Stress”

  2. –filter-results=RESULT_LIST : Filters(excludes) the results specified in RESULT_LIST

    Example: –filter-results=“Von Mises Stress, Contact Pressure”

  3. –parts=PART_LIST : Translates the parts specified in PART_LIST

    Example: –parts=“HINGEBASE, BOLTSURF, _PICKEDSET8”

  4. –filter-parts=PART_LIST : Filters the parts specified in PART_LIST

    Example: –filter-parts=“_ALL ELEMENTS, WarnElemDistorted”

  5. –parts-ids=PART_ID_LIST : Translates the parts having ids listed in PART_ID_LIST

    Example: –part-ids=“1, 30-35, 41”

  6. –filter-parts-ids=PART_ID_LIST : Filters the parts having ids listed in PART_ID_LIST

    Example: –filter-part-ids=“4-8, 12”

  7. –instances=INSTANCE_LIST : Translates the instances listed in INSTANCE_LIST

    Example: –instances=“1-6, 8-12”

    Example: –instances=“1:5-1:8, 2”

  8. –filter-instances=INSTANCE_LIST : Filters the instances listed in INSTANCE_LIST

    Example: –filter-instances=“:1-:4, 2”


  1. The value of each option is a list whose items are separated by commas.

    For example, –results=“Displacement, Stress” will translate results - “Displacement” and “Stress”.

  2. It is mandatory to enclose the list in quotes (“”) when the list contains spaces. The quotes can be avoided if there are no spaces.

    For example, –results=“Displacement, Stress” and –results=Displacement,Stress are equivalent. However, it is recommended to use quotes always.

  3. The part ids as well as instances can have a hyphen to specify a range.

    For example, –filter-part-ids=”4-8, 12” option results in filtering of parts with ids 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 12.

  4. The exact interpretation of Instance depends upon the context in which they are used. They are used in many places to signify the load step or time step number, increment number, vibration, or buckling mode number, etc. For example, for a CFD unsteady simulation, an instance 5 can represent fifth time-step in the simulation. In an ABAQUS odb database the instance 3:2 is used to represent second frame of third step.

  5. Multiple Hyphens ‘-‘ can be used together to specify the instances that need to be translated or filtered.

    For Example:

    Option –instances=“1-6, 8-12” specifies that instances one to six and eight to twelve needs to be translated.

    Option –instances=“1:5-1:8, 2” specifies that frames five to eight need to be translated for the first step along with all frames for the second step.

    Option –filter-instances=“:1-:4, 2” filters out the frames from one to four for all steps. It also filters out all the frames of the second step.

  6. If both –results and –filter-results options are specified, the option –filter-results will be ignored.

    When both –instances and –filter-instances options are specified, –filter-instances option will be ignored.

    When either –parts or –part-ids are specified, –filter-parts and filter-part-ids will be ignored.

  7. All the names of the results and parts are not case sensitive.