Files Section

  • Used to specify the files that needs to be read and written by VMoveCAE

  • This is a mandatory section and must be available in the input file.

  • Usage Example:

    * FILES, FOLDER="/home/vcollab/models"
    - "viewer_tutorial.odb", TYPE=ABAQUS_ODB
  • The file path or file name for each of the input files should be provided in one data line as the name.

Section Attributes

  • FOLDER: Base folder.

    • When a base folder is specified, all the relative paths are considered to be relative to the base folder.

    • Default value: Current working directory

  • MERGE_TYPE: CAX file merge type.

    • Tells VMoveCAE how to merge CAX files in the case of reading multiple model files.

    • Default value: None. If not specified, VMoveCAE assumes that user is not trying merge results from different model files.

    • This option should be specified if the user is trying to results from multiple model files.

    • Supported values are:

      • STEPS: Merge as steps of the same model.

    • The sequence of the steps in the CAX file depends upon the sequence of results files. > Note: Please note that, only one option (STEPS) is supported as of now. It means that all the model files that are specified as input should have the same mesh, properties, element and face sets. The application doesn’t check this, and this validation should be done by the user. In the case that, this condition is not true, the resulting CAX file may get corrupted and users may not be able to open and visualize it.

  • RETAIN_INTERMEDIATE: Retains intermediate CAX files.

    • Tells VMoveCAE to retain the intermediate CAX files in the case of multiple model files.

    • Valid only if MERGE_TYPE is specified. Ignored in other cases.

    • Default value: False

Data Attributes

  • TYPE: File type.

    • Supported values are:

      • ABAQUS_ODB

      • ABAQUS_INP

      • FEMFAT_DMA


      • VMOVE_LOG

    • If not specified, VMoveCAE tries to auto-detect the file type based on the file extension. The list of extensions is provided below.


      Inferred file type













  • CONTENT: Tells VMoveCAE what to read/write from/to specific file.

    • Supported file content types are:

      • MODEL


      • RESULTS

      • CAX

      • LOG

    • If not specified, VMoveCAE tries to identify it automatically.

  • OPTIONS: Specify the file specific load and translation options. Supported options are:

    • ZERO_FRAMES - Instructs VMoveCAE to load zero numbered frames ( frames corresponding to the input conditions).

    • FAST_LOAD - Instructs VMoveCAE to load assume that all the frames in the ODB file have same results. This allows VMoveCAE to load the ODB files faster.

    • MID_NODES - Instructs VMoveCAE to extract the mid-nodes and the corresponding results into the CAX file.

    • NO_AVERAGING_ACROSS_REGIONS - Instructs VMoveCAE to average element and element nodal results within regions boundaries only to obtain the nodal results. Please note that this has option has many limitations. For example, element results are not supported when this option is on. When not supported, the application falls back on regular averaging.

Examples & Description

Example 1

* FILES, FOLDER=/home/test/models
-  viewer_tutorial.odb
  • Reads model and results from “viewer_tutorial.odb” file in the “/home/test/models” folder. File type and content type are identified automatically.

  • Since no CAX file name is provided, output is written to “viewer_tutorial.cax” in the same folder.

Example 2

-  Linear-Job_modified.inp, TYPE=ABAQUS_INP, CONTENT=ENTITY_SETS
-  Linear-Job_fatigue.dma, TYPE=FEMFAT_DMA, CONTENT=RESULTS
-  Linear-Job.cax, TYPE=VCOLLAB_CAX
-  vmovecae_trace.log, TYPE=VMOVE_LOG
  • Reads model and results from “Linear-Job_post.odb” file in the current folder.

  • Element sets are read from “Linear-Job_modified.inp” instead of the ODB file. The element ids should match in the INP and ODB files to get the correct output.

  • Reads additional results from “Linear-Job_fatigue.dma” and appends them to the results in the ODB file.

  • The output is written to the “Linear-Job.cax” file in the current folder.

  • Translation log is written to “vmovecae_trace.log” file in the current current folder.

Example 3


-  Linear-Job.cax, TYPE=VCOLLAB_CAX
-  vmovecae_trace.log, TYPE=VMOVE_LOG
  • Reads the model “Linear-Job.inp” file in the current folder.

  • Reads additional results from “Linear-Job.dma” and appends them to the model in the INP file.

  • The output is written to the “Linear-Job.cax” file in the current folder.

  • Translation log is written to “vmovecae_trace.log” file in the current current folder.

Example 4


-  viewer-tutorial.odb, TYPE=ABAQUS_ODB, CONTENT=“MODEL, RESULTS” ,
-  viewer-tutorial.cax, TYPE=VCOLLAB_CAX, OPTIONS=“MID_NODES”
-  vmovecae_trace.log, TYPE=VMOVE_LOG
  • Reads the model “viewer_tutorial.odb” file in the current folder.

  • Since the ZERO_FRAMES option is specified, VMoveCAE reads and exports specified initial conditions corresponding to the frame number zero as well. When this is not specified, VMovecAE only reads frames starting with number 1.

  • The output is written to the “viewer-tutorial.cax” file in the current folder.

  • The exported CAX file also contains the mid-nodes in the mesh. When this

  • option is not specified, the mid-nodes are ignored and not exported into the mesh written into the CAX file.

  • When the CAX file name is not explicitly specified, the MID_NODES option can be specified with the model file.

  • Translation log is written to “vmovecae_trace.log” file in the current current folder.

Example 5


-  modes_x.odb
-  modes_x.dma
-  modes_y.odb
-  modes_y.dma
-  modes_z.odb
-  modes_z.dma
-  modes.cax
-  vmovecae_trace.log

The resulting CAX file is equivalent to the CAX file created with the following two step process.

  • Create the first CAX file with the model and results from “modes_x.odb” and with the additional results from “modes_x.dma”.

  • Create the second CAX file with the model and results from “modes_y.odb” and with the additional results from “modes_y.dma”.

  • Create the third CAX file with the model and results from “modes_z.odb” and with the additional results from “modes_z.dma”.

  • Merge the CAX files together and renumber the frames and increments to avoid the clashes.

As mentioned earlier, the models should be exactly same in all the ODB files.

Example 6


-  modes_sets.inp, CONTENT=ENTITY_SETS
-  modes_x.odb
-  modes_x.dma
-  modes_y.odb
-  modes_y.dma
-  modes_z.odb
-  modes_z.dma
-  modes.cax
-  vmovecae_trace.log

This example is similar to the one in example 5. Only difference is that, the element sets are read from “mode_sets.inp” instead of the ODB files.

Example 7


-  modes_x.odb
-  modes_y.odb
-  modes_z.odb
-  modes_x.dma
-  modes_y.dma
-  modes_z.dma
-  modes.cax
-  vmovecae_trace.log

This example is similar to the one in example 5 with the exception of the sequence of the result files. The sequence of the steps and frames in the resultant CAX file will change appropriately. The step and frame numbers for the results from the dma files appear at the end.