File Layout

The files of VMoveCAD can be located under the directory “%VCOLLAB_DIR%VMOVECAD32” for Win32.For Win64, the files can be located under “%VCOLLAB_DIR%VMOVECAD64”. It consists of the following files and folders.

  • VMoveCAD.exe: The VMoveCAD windows application. It provides the GUI to the user to load CAD files and translate to CAx files.

  • VMoveCADBatch.exe: The VMoveCAD console application. This is a batch application to create CAx files with no user intervention. It provides no GUI and uses the command line arguments to derive the translation parameters.

  • CadInfo.exe: The CadInfo console application. CadInfo can be used to generate metadata from CAD files. This metadata is written in XML form.

  • Help: VMoveCAD help and release documentation can be found here.

  • *.dll, VMoveCAD.ico: Runtime dependencies for VMoveCAD executables.